Written by Andreal Mallard #EliminateTheStrereotype
This subject may be sensitive to some and empowering to others but the fact still remains that black men and black women are at war with each other at a rate higher than ever. With the evolution of social media and the great phrase "Whats on your mind?" we as a people have adopted a nature to point the finger at each other instead of building and working together. Some women have brought into the idealogy of "i dont need a man" and some men have brought into the idealogy of degrading and insulting our very own sisters. At the pace we are going, our future shows that the union of black men and women creating families as one is a thing of the past. With so many teachings to choice from we have brought into the narritive of idiols and hypocrisy and now instead of us being the majority minority we are 4th on the totem polls now falling behind Mexicans and Asians as the minority minority losing in the battle of becoming who we were destined and designed to be.. Gods original Chosen people due to lack of disobedience.
We now face a crisis in America today where are children and future are now suffering from the choices and decisions we've made based on our own selfish desires. The Mexican culture has now surpassed us by working together and building, taking on jobs we now feel we are too good to perform and Asians now own a majority of the businesses in our community all due to the fact of we just cant get right and they chose to build together.. we have become the laughing stalk of the rainbow leaving us with little to no resources within our own community and its hurting us as a people. We have the hightest rate of divorce and to my knowledge pay the most to our court systems to fix our problems leaving the powers that be to make decisions over our lives just to be family with one another.
What happened to our value system? What happen to our morals. Did a little bit of money change our hearts and minds to walk in a spirit of ego and narcissism? Or has the weaker value system simply overpowered the strong value system due to the fact of Majority Rules vs Gods original plan for us?
As we look at these factors my question is " Are we raising sons to be husbands and are we raising daughters to be wives? The slogan of "Strong Black Woman" has been highly misinterpreted and some have ran with the notion of "I can do it all by myself". Black men are in a state of mind that Black men have no allies including black women and thos level of thinking has us set up to be doomed with our kids being the one to reap the causulities. Married black women seem to now be inspired by single black women when it use to be the other way around and because many black men didnt grow up with their fathers they have drowned in the efforts of being good husband's and father's with many striving to be dad from outside the home.
We even have groups on social media to pride themselves on degrading men and sexualizing women more than ever before. Its time to get back to building together and be the best version of us we can be. Why is it that it seems no other culture suffers more than us on the simple basics? Why are we at war with each other?Our job and focus should be to build one another up not tear each other down to get more likes and comments growing our platforms on the demise of our ppl! Yes Tom and Elon are laughing to the bank based off our lack of knowledge and understanding of higher principles of wealth and kingdom building. As i said before, the late great 2Pac Shakur stated " The hate we give little infants Screws everybody" and now we on on the breaking point of seeing that come to past! Black man love your black woman and black womam its time to love your black man again! We must break the cycle and build the bridge together! Ill never give up on us! #EEEsUp
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